To The Moon And Zak
Every Child Matters


One of my favourite tools to assist you and your children on your healing journey is the use of crystals. Before any formal training or experience i used crystals for years, not sure why or how they helped but always a deep knowing of their power.

When my kids were born I placed a selenite stick on top of their door frames without any knowledge of its powerful abilities. All three kids, including one with severe ADHD have been excellent sleepers. I now know that Selenite balances energy in the room but for me it is an absolute gem for a good night sleep and a gorgeous gentle crystal to have in your little ones room.

Whatever treatment you have with me, I use crystals during treatment and highly recommend that you strengthen this healing by using them at home. Even when I start a coaching program I send you crystals weekly to support you.

For all you non believers who only want one crystal to transform your belief I will always recommend Rose Quartz, the love stone. I describe it as a huge hug. Fantastic for self love, connection with your loved ones, dispels worries and is the stone of forgiveness.

My main suggestions for crystals that cover all the four bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) are as follows

Living in your head and need to get grounded……….. Red Jasper

Want to get creative and spark joy in your life ………. Carnelian

Needing Motivation and Confidence ………. Citrine

Self Love, Forgiveness & Compassion ………. Rose Quartz/Malachite

Communication………. Angelite

Intuition & Connection to Self ………. Amethyst

Manifestation and connection to higher self ………. Clear Quartz

Please follow my at www.instagram/buddhababyxx and dm me any questions.

Thanks for reading xxxxx

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All Autism Homeschool Love

Schools In Or Out???

9 weeks of homeschooling and I may have the opportunity to send Zak back to school on a part time basis…..will I be sending him??

Without a doubt!! I totally understand people’s reluctance for schools to open and it should be a personal decision to do so or not. But I am speaking on behalf of a lot of special needs parents. The best analogy I have ever heard of from the gorgeous Korina from @isthistooyoungforme

If you compare an average family to a car then we would call it a Peugeot….runs nicely and may have occasional problems along the way. You can book it in to any mechanic to get it serviced and should you need a new tyre…National tyres are very accommodating…. that is parenting my two neuro typical girls!! My special child is like owning a Ferrari…specialist care is needed, a team of experts for it to run smoothly and people that know their shit about Ferrari’s!!!

If we weren’t in lockdown and I had therapies, my mum and sister on hand I actually would continue homeschooling. Even though I am not the best teacher we have had hours of fun and imaginative and meaningful learning.

The problem is two things… I don’t have access to my little army that helps me raise my gorgeous boy and Zaks ability for too much of one thing becoming an obsession which has now become….ME!

My girls have independence with their work and staying in contact with their friends. Zak can only access anything outside of us via school.

I worry so much about him settling back into “normal” routine that September start fills me with dread for him. I have to monitor his mental health, my mental health and risk asses him going back to school. He is in a very small special school, 60 kids in total with 6 children in his class, the school is divided into 3 bubbles, he is Autistic….he is an expert on social distancing and obsessive on washing hands so I believe there is more risk to his and my mental health by not going. Fingers crossed he will be returning and I can possibly check in with the other two and take a deep breath

Thanks for Reading xxxxx

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All Autism Homeschool Love

Home School During Lockdown

The world has stopped and we have all found a new way of being. Autism doesn’t seem to have read the memo and I am in my 2nd week of trying to work, run a home, support a high school child, a uni child and be a Specialist Educational Needs teacher working one to one with my boy!

My first thoughts when I found out schools were closing was one of fear and dread, to one of dancing when I found out it didn’t apply to kids with ehcp’s……result!!!

With the weekend that followed and us being more restricted on the 23rd March, I made the decision to swim in the sea of fear and keep Zak at home.

My first week was full of sunshine, playing football in the garden and going from excitement of having all my kids home to dread of delivering a school environment for Zak.

I started with all the work sent home from school, which to be honest sent me into a spiral…..common denominators and division when he still adds up with a number line left me scared and alone. Fast forward 3 days and a few heart to hearts with anyone who would listen, we have abandoned all that has been set for him.


Let me explain….5 years ago I began a home programme for Zak outside of school hours, delivering a holistic approach and stretching him in his abilities through play. I cannot stress enough how much Zak has come on. The only downside to this is time and not having enough of it. Even though I am his primary carer I do have lots of support through school, family and 2 amazing key workers so it is fair to say the responsibility is split between us. Suddenly I have lost all the above and now the whole job lies with me!! Being a huge believer in the universe and things that are meant for you won’t pass you by I started to think that maybe I was missing a sign….one to take this opportunity to deliver all the things I would if only we had the time.

And now we have that in abundance.

So there you have it…..goodbye textbooks, hello fun and games…with abit of yoga thrown in.

Happy Autism Awareness Day xxxx



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All Love

Love is all you need x

The biggest gift we can give our children is a sense of security… this is above all else!! This will guarantee them a strength to go through their lives kind, happy people x x x

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Autism Touch Times

All you need is love

I try to only write positive posts regarding Zak but sometimes feel that I am not always being truly honest and sharing our more difficult times.

After putting Zak to bed last night my hubby had to pick me up off the kitchen floor……sobbing!! I am so grateful to him, he never asks any questions to what this time has sent me over the edge, he’s just there.

Zak’s best friend (only friend) is away from school this week and Zak finds this particularly challenging. At bath time tonight he told me that at playtime he is OK being on his own as he can “blend in” on the adventure playground or just kicking a ball. However eating lunch in the hall he struggles eating alone. He then proceeded to tell me he asked a few boys if they would like to sit with him, one of which replied……why would I want to sit with a boy like you???

With a heavy heart I explain to him that kids can be unkind and these kids are only 9 and can’t possibly understand how his magic little brain works and they just have different interests, that I’m always in his heart and to be proud of who he is.

I have to admit there is the unkind part of me that wants to march into the playground, hunt down the kid, pin him down and give him what for but what is that really teaching our kids.

If everyone’s first response was one of kindness all the other responses would pail to insignificance. When you are kind, the main beneficiary is you! When you are unkind the main beneficiary is you.

After 10 minutes of crying in Dave’s arms, I dust myself down as I am no use to Zak by allowing other people’s actions to hurt me so deep.
I go back upstairs and explain to Zak that all that matters in this life is being loved. You can have a hundred friends and be lonely. You can have success and be lonely. You can have money and be lonely.

You can never have love and be lonely.

Zak, you have a strong, loving family who adore you, you are such a lucky boy!!

There are 10 of us in your family who cheer you on all the way and that my gorgeous boy is like having a silent army behind you!

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ADHD Doesn’t Exist????

After a week of family birthdays and Zak waiting impatiently for his to arrive……..the day is finally here!!! Zak is seven today and by 9am I am more exhausted than I was giving birth to him!!

However hard I try to keep the house calm and his presents to a minimum so that he can keep focus, the excitement of the day ahead gets the better of him. He is excited (and so he should be on his birthday) but his immaturity and lack of understanding vents this all in the wrong way and we end up with Zak upsetting the whole household and behaving in a totally unacceptable manner!!

I read a tweet this week from the “rent a gob” Katie Hopkins that said ADHD does not exist…..only bad mums! Although I admire her guts for saying a lot of things people are thinking, I am extremely uncomfortable for someone having such a strong opinion on something they obviously have no experience of.

I work damn hard in raising my boy and managing his behaviour and commit to it as a full time job! I will listen to anybody’s opinion on what I am doing right or wrong for Zak…….after they have walked in my shoes for six months, until then……..SHUT UP!!!

So Ms Hopkins I will say this…..words have wings, be careful of what you say……they may fly away and damage a mum who is struggling to cope!!!

As for Zak’s birthday, I have until school pick up to “re-ground” myself, breath deeply and find the energy to cope with tonight.

Happy Birthday to my gorgeous boy x x x x

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All Autism Human Design Love

Rescue Remedy


This is the normal equation to flying with Zak.

Every holiday, together me and my boy find a new strategy to make the experience a little easier.

I am pleased to announce that today’s flight was pleasant……..after the normal rituals carried out… From telling check in staff right through to cabin crew and everyone met in between how scared he was…. We carried out the precise way of holding his hand on take off…..we put on his headphones, not plugged into anything but perfect for blocking out engine noise and this time we drop the miracle rescue remedy onto his tongue and voila!!!

The stuff is genius……natural and calming, taking the edge of the hyperactivity and anxiety…. ! Also available in gummy stars…. Which look and taste like sweets but have four drops of magic in them…… Highly recommended!!! x x x


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All Sport

Football Star

Loving his football team……..spends the whole time asking the coach questions……the clue isi in the title….kick the ball Zak!! X x x

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